Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Hottest Chilli Pepper Seeds in the World

Chilli pepper seeds are an integral part of many cultures’ cuisine. There are literally thousands of different hot pepper seeds from almost every single country in the world, ranging in flavor, appearance and hotness. The following is a list of some of the world’s hottest chilli seeds. Take a look and see if you have what it takes to try a few of them.

Bhut Jolokia
The Bhut Jolokia chilli pepper is the current Guinness World Book Record Holder for having the hottest chilli pepper seeds in the world. Bhut Jolokia peppers come from Assam, a region in North East India and they have an SHU rating of 1,001,304 SHU. The previous record holder, the Red Savina, had only half of that. SHU stands for Scoville Heat Unit, and it measures the amount of water that’s required before the chilli’s hotness is undetectable. For those of you who can not pronouce, bhut jolokia, another common name is the Ghost Pepper.

Naga Morich
One of the most respected chiles in the world, the Naga Morich has on average a heat of around 800,000 to 900,000 SHU. The Naga Morich comes from Bangladesh and it is the closest relative to the Dorset Naga.

Super Chili
This is a very popular variety of chilli because it germinates quickly and yields a lot of peppers. You can grow it easily in most climates and it is extremely hot when ripe. When it matures, it’s color changes from green to red.

The Habanero
A highly renowned chile, the habanero is also one of the hottest. It grows in Mexico and the Caribbean and has a delicious, plum-tomato taste. It has a round shape with a small point, and it’s usually around 1 to 1.5 inches long. Colors range from orange, green, yellow, brown and red. Habanero is usually eaten raw, as it loses some flavor when cooked.

Birdseye Chilli
The birdseye chilli, found throughout Africa and especially in the Congo, Mombassa, Pequin, Uganda and Zanzibar, have an SHU rating of 200,000. These chiles are small and conically shaped. They grow easily and bear bright scarlet red fruit. Birdseye chilli seeds are used a lot in Asian and Thai cooking.

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